Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hello. This week was christmas, and it was an exciting one. The craziness began on monday, the 22nd, when I had no money to buy Alyse and Tommy their presents. You see, our family has a tradition of having each kid being assigned another kid (and in my case, kid and spouse) in the family. I was assigned to Alyse and Tommy. For about the last 2 months, I had been broke. My mom always offered me chores to do as a way to earn money. I had never accepted before, but now I had to since Alyse and Tommy were having their first christmas with each other. I asked what they wanted and they said that they wanted to get more board games so that their game choice was increased from Monopoly and Phase 10. I cleaned the inside and windows of my mom's car so that I could get $40 for that. It may seem like a lot to buy a game and some stocking stuff, but after one trip I ran out of cash. So I had to work some more. I had to go and clean out every bathroom, vacuum the upstairs, and mop the kitchen for $30 then I finished up and only needed about 7 of those dollars. I used $3 for tithing and $20 for a little gift for dad. For christmas I received a Phoenix Suns Sweatshirt (From Bethany and Denice, who bought it and sent it to Bethany), a Phoenix Suns Hat (Santa), a book(Santa), and a few other things. It was very exciting.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A lot has happened since my last post. Basketball season has started, my grades are going up, and a lot of other things. I am not very happy with my coach right now because he is not playing me as much as I expected. I have played some good minutes in some games, but not in every game. Now he is angry because we are losing to teams that he thinks are not better than us. He asked us a question wondering if we are there to win or to have fun and play basketball. I am really there just because I love basketball. My grades are up, almost to 3 a's and 3 b's. I could bring that up, but i am kind of scared that my anchor will bring those down. Any tips?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hey. I had an okay week outside of basketball. My coach makes us run and run and I hate it. We would do a drill perfectly and he would make us run. My grades are doing okay, but I need to bring them up a little bit. I will though. This last Friday was bring a friend to seminary day. I got 6 to say that they could come on Thursday, but on Friday 3 came. That is still good though. It was Cole Murray, Austin Von Blasingame, and Navdeep Sodhi. Austin, my brother, brought 7. 13 said they would come. Brother Lopez and Brother Bollard were good and really friendly. Austin Von Blasingame said it was good because of the donuts at the end, and Nav and Cole both thought that it was good. All is well.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hey there. If I did not tell you, I got very embarrassed at school last month. It all happened when Umang Mehta, Austin's friend, wrote a poem. It was about a girl that he liked, but he thought that it would be funny if he said it was from me. He gave it to a band of sophomores who were playing for red ribbon week. He said to say it is from Dallin Murphy to Mallory Mortensen. She is a girl that people have been saying I am going to marry her for years.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hey there. Yesterday was the BYU game, and I missed Monday and Tuesday's school due to the illness I was talking about in my last post. Then on Wednesday and Thursday I was not allowed to practice in basketball. I did play In my game on Saturday. I did not play the first half, but I did play in the second half and scored a shot. (for Andrew!)Then I got in again late in the game and did really bad. We did win and they were a sophomore team so that is good. We also had 2 sophomores from JV because we had been put in the schedule to play for the JV team because almost the whole team had to take the PSAT. After that we got to go to the BYU VS SDSU game and we won. We did not play that good, but MAX Hall did good. We went with the Alpine Myres and we had a lot of fun. We had really good seats that were about 20 rows from the field.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
This week was hard. Half of it I was sick, when the other part I was packed, as in my schedule. Last friday I went the the Northwood vs. Irvine football game, and we won!! Just kidding. We won the first half minus the final 15 seconds. Then we got slaughtered. You don't even want to know the final score. Then the naxt night was the Stake dance. It was pretty fun. I saw some people from summer camps. It was cool.
I am very sick. I hate it. I have a fever and a runny/stuffed up nose. It is so bad. But life goes on, and I have to get through it. It is what Andrew Coleman would do, so I have to. I am probably getting this keyboard all germed up for the next person to use it. So I need to go.
I am very sick. I hate it. I have a fever and a runny/stuffed up nose. It is so bad. But life goes on, and I have to get through it. It is what Andrew Coleman would do, so I have to. I am probably getting this keyboard all germed up for the next person to use it. So I need to go.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The last time i added a post on here was after Alyse's wedding. Since then we have been to yellowstone, school, and many other things. I will start though, with the Utah reception for Alyse's wedding.
Alyse's Wedding reception was run by the other family in the wedding fiasco, the Leiningers. It was at this home that looked old and small from the outside, but it was a large palace on the inside. They had an ice cream bar and a great cake. There were a lot of people there, and I am especially thankful that Eric Andrew Coleman, my biggest blog fan, showed up.
Then Yellowstone. "Ahh, the beautiful scenery, the large herds of elk and bison, and... Eww, what is that smell? It smells like rotten eggs, but about 300 of them." That the first impression of Yellowstone that I had. All though there was that, it was a fun time being able to bond as a family.
BYU won. Twice. Once against the number three team. They knocked out the 2008 Heisman trophy winner. I am so glad that they are winning because now can brag that my favorite team is one of the best teams in the country. There you go UCLA fans. MAX HALL 4 HEISMAN!!!!
Oh yeah, and school started. Yay.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
This week was nothing compared to last week. We did get toilet-papered again, but we got them so bad. If you want to see pictures, you have to go on Camille Murphy's Face book and look at them.
It was my first time and we did a great job. we got it in their trees, we got it in their backyard, everywhere. Sadly though, that is the only thing that happened that is worth noting.
Mom says that I need to talk more about the wedding. Hows this:
The wedding festivities began on May 8, 2009, when Tommy Jeffery Leininger decided that it was time to ask Laura Alyse Murphy to become his Eternal Companion. She said yes. All throughout the summer, the mothers were frantically searching for everything for the wedding. Clothes, flowers, ties, food, and many other things. The fathers did the same, but they had work so they could not do as much. The Aunts and Uncles helped out, and so did the cousins and friends. It all started becoming a reality that it was happening on August 21, when we had the Family Dinner. We had food from the Murphy favorite, Stone Fire Grill. Friends and family from all over came. As everyone filed out, the stress began to file in. Everyone was frantically running everywhere, well almost everyone. We drove to the temple at about 10:00. There were more cameras than at the Grammy's. Flash after flash, i felt like a star walking down the red carpet, and I wasn't even the main character. It all became good when at about 12:45, we saw them. The bride and the groom, smiling brighter than the noon sun, holding hands walking out of the temple. If a picture is worth a thousand words, there were too many words to describe this moment.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mom says that I have a lot to report. First was the Family reunion. We went to the Wasatch Academy, which is a school where trouble youth or international teens go for school. There were about 50 kids that we saw there, and it cost $50,000 per kid. Austin, Camille, Dad and I arrived in Utah on Thursday the 17th. It was about 9:00 once we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We went to a 10:15 showing of Harry Potter 6. It was pretty bad. Andrew agreed by saying, "I now want a milk shake because that was so bad." Thanks Andrew.
We got to the family reunion the next morning. We pulled up to the campus, walked around, then got into our room. Even and I went to play tennis, and he killed me. He plays, I don't. We came back to find a group hyped up about something. I think we heard the news about 15 times from people in the first minute we came to see what was wrong. Mostly it was from kids under the age of 9. Isaac had broken his arm. He had been climbing on a soccer post when he fell and landed awkwardly on his arm.
We had a cafeteria to eat at, so the moms did not have to make any food. they had pretty good food. I liked the cereal, I ate about 18 bowls of it. 15 of Lucky Charms, 2 of Fruit Loops, one of Captain Crunch.
The next few days were about the same as any Family Reunion. Some activities, screaming kids and a lot of down time. when it was time to go, it was at the perfect time. On to Volleyball camp.
At camp, I was not happy that I could not be on the higher court with Austin. I had a good time. My coach was Kevin Sagers, a backup outside hitter for the BYU cougars. He was really cool. I was a setter, but I did not play as well as I could have. As the week went on, I got better though.
We got to the family reunion the next morning. We pulled up to the campus, walked around, then got into our room. Even and I went to play tennis, and he killed me. He plays, I don't. We came back to find a group hyped up about something. I think we heard the news about 15 times from people in the first minute we came to see what was wrong. Mostly it was from kids under the age of 9. Isaac had broken his arm. He had been climbing on a soccer post when he fell and landed awkwardly on his arm.
We had a cafeteria to eat at, so the moms did not have to make any food. they had pretty good food. I liked the cereal, I ate about 18 bowls of it. 15 of Lucky Charms, 2 of Fruit Loops, one of Captain Crunch.
The next few days were about the same as any Family Reunion. Some activities, screaming kids and a lot of down time. when it was time to go, it was at the perfect time. On to Volleyball camp.
At camp, I was not happy that I could not be on the higher court with Austin. I had a good time. My coach was Kevin Sagers, a backup outside hitter for the BYU cougars. He was really cool. I was a setter, but I did not play as well as I could have. As the week went on, I got better though.
We drove home on Friday and Saturday, and we brought rex with us for EFY. We stayed in the Las Vegas Marriot for a night. I was feeling sick, so it wasn't the best night ever.
At EFY, we went with Rex, Austin, Tommy Murphy, Connor and Stephan McCombs, and Charlie Bollard. I roomed with Charlie. Our counselors were Mike and Alexis. We had 20 other kids in our group, and it was a lot of fun. i had no idea you could feel the spirit that powerfully for that long. I made a lot of friends.
Next was Youth Conference. We went to Camp Okihi on he Kern River just outside of Bakersfield. We arrived to the campsite after we went to the Regean library. We had pizza there and then got to camp and set up. We went to a service project at the river rafting place, but our car did not arrive until they were done.
We went rafting on the river and we decided to go twice. The second time was shorter and more boring. Oh yeah and I made the basketball team.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Today is Sunday, I am leaving for the Family reunion on Thursday. I like basketball and volleyball. I am playing setter in volleyball, and i am told it is the most important position in the sport. I am excited. I can see my playing time going down and down in basketball minute by minute. I need to work harder on my fundamentals.
In church there were three speakers, they talked about standards and attributes we should have.
In church there were three speakers, they talked about standards and attributes we should have.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It is Fast Sunday again. Today was probably the best and most powerful testimony meeting I have ever heard. It all started when one of my favorite leaders, Brother Neve, stood up. He talked about how he prayed for a friend and got one. Then many other people spoke, then a surprise came. Austin went up to speak. Those two testimonies were the two most powerful testimonies i have heard. Austin talked about prayer and how we need to know that this church is true. He is awesome.
I had Basketball and volleyball camps from Monday to Thursday. On Wednesday we played a varsity team from a Newport Beach private School. We lost by 40.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
today is fast sunday. yesterday I went to the stake dance. It was kind of fun, but, I dont know. I danced with 2 girls, but it was really weird, ask Connor or Charlie. I think that this other girl that I knew wanted to dance with me, but i didn't take the hint, so se had to dance with this guy again. Whatever. I went to disneyland with my band and it was pretty fun
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This week was my birthday. It was a good week, and I would not have had it any other way. First, on Friday we got a call that was expected but we were just waiting for it to come. Alyse called and said that she was engaged to the one and only, Tommy. Also, Tuesday it was my birthday. I had Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. (We have a tradition where we get a good cereal for breakfast on our birthday.) I opened my presents and got three great things. There was a new basketball, a board game called Blokus, and a book on the movie, "Glory Road".
For Lunch I got to get some Subway from my mom. While she was there, she felt like she was such a nice mom for getting fast food for her son on his birthday. She walked and saw to her surprise, about four other meals that she found out were brought everyday to the same kids. It was still a great lunch.
For dinner we went to Ihop. It was a usual dinner, but we were the only ones there.
On Saturday was my party. We had 15 kids over and it was a lot of fun. We had a football game, a water-balloon fight, and a game of hide-and-go seek. I got to have a good week, and to top it off, SUnday was Ward Conference.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hey, i just got back from church. People talked and it was good. This last week was hard after spending a week that seemed to fly by with no school what so ever. Life has been okay though. I wish that I could just skip the rest of school and go to vacation. But, i cannot, so i will just make the best of it.
I have been thinking a lot about if i am good enough for the school. I see people beating me in everything i do. from sports to grades to anything else, someone is beating me. That is okay, because i figured out that if i was the best at everything, i would not push myself like i do now. So it is good that i am not the best. sort of
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This was an okay week. I had a basketball game on Saturday and we won 46-6. It may sound mean, but we could not sub out our best players because we only had 4 guys in the fist half and five in the second. We did try to let their smaller and less active kids score, and the ref congratulated us for good sportsmanship. It was pretty fun. We went to festival for band and we got the highest rating, which is unanimous superior. Before we played, we had to wait for 3 hours. It was really boring.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Today I got convicted.
Let me explain what happened. When we were learning about being respectful and loving to my mother. As we were talking about it, we were interrupted by Brother Hiebert. He said that I was under arrest. I thought he was kidding, but then he brought me into an extension of the gym and there was a make shift court room and he put me in the "defendant's chair." As the rest of the deacon's quormn filed into the jurries chairs, I saw that President Muir was going to prosecute against me and the witnesses were going to be mom, Sister weaver, Austin, and Brother Lewis. Then Bishop Scoville came in, (he is worker for the district attorney) and he had a judge's robe on. President Muir began to say that I was being tried for being a kind and respectful son. Austin should have gotten tried for purjery because he said i could not take him in basketball or wristling, which is not true. I also got a chocolate bar for memorizing 1 Nephi 3:7. It was a great bar.
Last night cole got baptized. It was a good expirience and it made me go back and think about my baptizm day. The two myres famlies and G&G murphy and alyse came. We went to IHOP afterwards and I had the perfect dinner. It was the split-decision breakfast. If any one wants an suggestion get it. It was the best dinner of my life.
Let me explain what happened. When we were learning about being respectful and loving to my mother. As we were talking about it, we were interrupted by Brother Hiebert. He said that I was under arrest. I thought he was kidding, but then he brought me into an extension of the gym and there was a make shift court room and he put me in the "defendant's chair." As the rest of the deacon's quormn filed into the jurries chairs, I saw that President Muir was going to prosecute against me and the witnesses were going to be mom, Sister weaver, Austin, and Brother Lewis. Then Bishop Scoville came in, (he is worker for the district attorney) and he had a judge's robe on. President Muir began to say that I was being tried for being a kind and respectful son. Austin should have gotten tried for purjery because he said i could not take him in basketball or wristling, which is not true. I also got a chocolate bar for memorizing 1 Nephi 3:7. It was a great bar.
Last night cole got baptized. It was a good expirience and it made me go back and think about my baptizm day. The two myres famlies and G&G murphy and alyse came. We went to IHOP afterwards and I had the perfect dinner. It was the split-decision breakfast. If any one wants an suggestion get it. It was the best dinner of my life.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
In these days in the United States, we are in peril. Our president, Barack Obama is breaking Promises that he made. The economy is in the deepest hole and we are not doing anything about it. We are still driving nice cars and living in nice houses. If I was in charge, I would help the poor and homeless, but not raise taxes to do that.
Our Enertainment industry is going crazy. Why have a few boys and girls try to act while singing and playing basketball. If you cannot tell, I am talking about High school poosical...i mean musical. It is the worst idea I have ever seen and I wish that they would go and stop trying to act.
Our Enertainment industry is going crazy. Why have a few boys and girls try to act while singing and playing basketball. If you cannot tell, I am talking about High school poosical...i mean musical. It is the worst idea I have ever seen and I wish that they would go and stop trying to act.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I am doing my homework right now and my corrections will not load. I am so very angry.
this reminds me of a poem.
this reminds me of a poem.
"Before you put on a frown,
make absolutely sure there are no smiles available."
- Jim Beggs -
make absolutely sure there are no smiles available."
- Jim Beggs -
NOT!!!!!! I am still angry. And it is still not loading.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Oh how I wish that I could do more. I got two c's and I am not happy. If anyone who is reading this blog has some good work habits and/or study technics, would you put it under the comment page, because I need those grades to go up. I know that not that many people read this blog, so anyone that does, (ALYSE), do that. Other than that, my life has been pretty mediocre. I got a project for my EAGLE SCOUT, so that is good.
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