Sunday, July 5, 2009

It is Fast Sunday again. Today was probably the best and most powerful testimony meeting I have ever heard. It all started when one of my favorite leaders, Brother Neve, stood up. He talked about how he prayed for a friend and got one. Then many other people spoke, then a surprise came. Austin went up to speak. Those two testimonies were the two most powerful testimonies i have heard. Austin talked about prayer and how we need to know that this church is true. He is awesome.
I had Basketball and volleyball camps from Monday to Thursday. On Wednesday we played a varsity team from a Newport Beach private School. We lost by 40.


Dallin Murphy said...

It was an awesome testimony meeting. I guess you are next to get up from our family, right?
You're great!

alyse said...

that's dumb that they had your team play a varsity team! your coach is not very smart.